Last time I posted an update it was day 6 of stims. Things have changed so much since then. To bring it all up to date: Day 8 of stims things were moving along and my E2 was 826. Then on Day 10 of stims, I was almost ready, but not quite, and my E2 was 1980. I don’t even know what E2 was on Day 11 of stims yet. My dosages didn’t change at all after that first adjustment, so I’ve been doing 225 of Follistim AM and PM and 2.5 units of Lupron at night. Last follicle count there were about 18, but who knows what they will actually retrieve. I’m forcing myself not to get hung up on it until they actually come out.
So yesterday was Day 11, I took my Follistim in the morning, then headed to the Dr. My U/S looked good, and the doctor decided we were ready to trigger. Then he nearly gave me a heart attack because he yelled out to the nurse for me to go home and inject 5 units of Lupron so I don’t prematurely surge. This has been my biggest fear all along in this process, so it didn’t make me feel very good, but I was never more willing to jab that Lupron in.
One of the strangest things for me has been that the first several days of stims, up until day 6, I was noticing pinching in my ovaries, and I was actually very uncomfortable by Friday. Then, all of a sudden, starting on Saturday I felt pretty good. That is why I began to fear that I surged early and lost all my eggs. It’s just so strange that my ovaries are so enlarged with all these eggs and I’m more comfortable than I am on a normal cycle.
So after yesterday’s VERY uncomfortable ultrasound, I was given instructions to trigger at 9pm and be at the clinic at 7:30am on Wednesday. I was scared to death of this trigger shot, but thanks to all the online infertiles, I knew to ask my nurse if I could use 25 gauge needles instead of 22 gauge for both my HCG and my PIO. I also asked if I could use 1 inch instead of 1-1/2 inch. I don’t have a lot of “junk in my trunk”, so she agreed on both counts. The difference between the two needles is significant, at least in perception, so I’m very happy about that.
Last night, at promptly 9pm, my wonderful husband gave a perfect intramuscular injection then lovingly rubbed the area to disperse the medication. It was such a relief that it didn’t really hurt, and he was so sweet. I’m not necessarily looking forward to these nightly sessions, but I’m glad they don’t have to be torture.
Tomorrow is my egg retrieval. I’m so scared and so excited all at the same time.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
How exciting. Good luck for your retrieval. Hope you get a good clutch of fine looking eggs.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I was nervous, but we got 21 eggs! How is your cycle coming along?