So here I am….39 weeks 2 days pregnant and I actually feel like I’m overdue. Why do I feel like that? Because the doctor told me “you probably won’t go past your due date”. I know this still doesn’t explain why I should expect to have a baby a week early, but for some reason, I’m now feeling like it’s never going to end. On top of that, Friday night I woke up with pretty bad period cramps. I was thinking about timing them, but fell asleep, so clearly they weren’t that bad. Then Saturday night and Sunday during the day, more period cramps. Not as intense, but definitely there. They weren’t really timeable though. Yesterday at work, I started to feel a bit crampy too, so I worked to make sure that everything outstanding was completed or at least well noted so that someone else could take over. Yet again though, I am here today at the office. Maybe I should try leaving many loose ends and items uncovered and see if that makes the baby decide he should make an appearance.
My doctor visit at 37.5 weeks gave me the outstanding news that I was 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. This just made me so happy since I really felt like my body was making the preparations necessary to go into labor naturally in a timely fashion. Then at my 38.5 week appointment, there was no change, except that the baby had dropped more (which the doula says is still change). I was slightly disappointed, but tried to convince myself that the baby dropping was significant. I have my next appointment today. I have to admit, after all this cramping, I will be discouraged if there is not change. I just want to know that something is actually happening down there. I’m actually fine with not having this baby until next week. I am tired of being pregnant, but it’s not so physically uncomfortable that I’m hating every minute of it, but I just want to keep my confidence up. The confidence I have in my body’s ability to deliver a baby.
With all that being said, I have tried to adopt an attitude of “enjoy this while it lasts”. Sunday, I really had no desire to do anything, but we went out to a nice lunch and went grocery shopping together. (we NEVER grocery shop together). This was something that we soon won’t have the luxury of doing. We also spent time in the pool, TW worked outside in the yard and in the barn the rest of the day, and I cooked a big dinner with enough to toss in the freezer and we watched a movie. It was a lovely day. I am really hoping to take these next few days and try to do things that I won’t be able to do later. It’s so hard not to just be excited about the baby coming, and I am sooo excited about that, but I also hate the idea of wishing time away. Our days are numbered, all of us, so we might as well enjoy each one.
So we are still waiting on one of the pieces of the baby’s furniture. This is very frustrating to me because I really wanted to make a beautiful little nest for my little one before he came, and now that is ruined. Just be forewarned that if you order furniture from Buy Buy Baby and they tell you it will be 8-10 weeks, it could actually be more like 17 weeks, and there won’t be any advance notice of this delay. I would like to finish the rest of the room, but it’s so hard to know what will look good on the walls and on the dresser when parts of the furniture are not here yet. I’m very frustrated. It’s not the end of the world of course, but I am such a planner and I feel that this was planned out appropriately, so the delay has been frustrating.
That’s it for now. Three more hours until my next doctor appointment.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
Hope the little one arrived safely, and that you are now swept up in a whirlwind of feeding, nappies, and cute baby scent.