Ok, so my blogging has been slightly less frequent (sarcasm) since the baby has been born than it was when I was pregnant…and even then I was less frequent than I should have been. I have grown to love a very smiley, adorable, headstrong, smart, amazing little boy over the last six months. I headed back to work three months ago and have finally fallen into a routine that I think works for everyone. I am taking on a new role at work that should be more fulfilling and at the same time less demanding. So what is the problem? I’m not sure I’ll ever have a full night’s sleep again.
I am seriously getting close to my breaking point. I don’t know what to do other than to take one sleep book, any sleep book, and follow it to the letter without taking advice from any other book or modifying the advice to suit my instincts, even if that means I get even less sleep for the next two to four weeks while training my son to sleep. I haven’t yet taken this approach, because no matter what I do, I will never have control of what happens during the day while he’s at daycare. I could give them some instructions, such as to put him in his crib and let him cry til he falls asleep, but since I’m not entirely sure I want to enforce a cry it out technique, I don’t think this is a good strategy. I could also tell them not to let him sleep over a certain amount of time, but since I’m not clear on what the magic combination of sleep/nap/wake time is, I hate to disrupt what he’s naturally doing.
So here I am, mother to a six month old baby who still wakes generally twice per night and usually tries to get up for the day around 4:30am.
I know I am doing the following things wrong:
1. Not enforcing a strict bedtime – I love routine and this would be the easiest thing in the world for me to do, but my husband gets home so late that I often try to keep the baby up so he can see his daddy for a little bit before he goes to bed. This often means extending his bedtime by 30-45 minutes. I know this is bad for him, but I’m trying to prioritize time with a parent over a particular bedtime. I think I will modify this strategy and just put him in bed at the same time each and every night. As much as I hate to do that.
2. Putting him to bed too late – Bedtime is generally 7:30, but as mentioned above, I often allow him to stay up til 8:00-8:15pm to see daddy.
3. Nursing him back to sleep when he wakes in the middle of the night – I’m guilty of this because I know it works and it gets us both back in bed sooner.
4. Rocking him, feeding him, bouncing him, etc to sleep for every nap and bedtime. I just don’t know how to break him of this without using a cry-it-out (“CIO” from now on) technique. I tried CIO for a short time and while it did work, it was an awful experience for me. I’m not sure I am hardcore enough to continue it.
I also have great confusion over information out there on naps. My baby has a pretty textbook tolerance for waketime. He is now six months old and he is able to stay awake without fussiness for about 2-2.5 hours…no more. Many of the more casual books/websites recommend a 2-3 nap schedule for a six month old baby. This simply doesn’t fit into the amount of waketime my baby can manage. I also sometimes end up with a baby who needs a nap at like 6pm, but since it’s so close to bedtime, I’m not sure whether to nap him or just keep him up a little longer and put him to bed or put him to bed early. I’m just so confused.
I think the only answer for me now is to take a book and stick to the plan. I can’t waiver from it, look at advice online or pick and choose from different books until I find all the stuff I want to hear. The fact is, what I’m doing isn’t working. I need to alter it somehow.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
Well I don't have too much to aport in terms of the sleep question. We've been there and are kinda still there so I know what you're going through. I was really opposed to CIO (for us) and it got bad enough at times (like 5+ wakings in an 11 hour night) that I started to reconsider that. Luckily in the end it didn't seem to be necessary. We stuck to a really predictable bedtime routine and got to the point where the LO would fall asleep on her own in her crib (we started out lying next to her on our bed until she fell asleep and slowly transitioned to her being in her crib on her own). From there she just naturally started spreading out her night wakings. It's not perfect, and we consider a succesful night one that has a long (5.5-7 hour) stretch at the beginning and then 3 hour stretches after that, but it's a huge improvement that just kinda happened. Anyway, I feel your pain and I hope you figure something out soon so you can all get some much-needed sleep!!
ReplyDeleteHi--I'm a new reader and just wanted to say that I totally know what you're describing (and am kinda feeling it, too). I have a now-2-year old son and we "hit the wall" around 5.5 months. We were exhausted, had no real idea of what to do, and we did just pick a book that had only a little bit of CIO in it, and we went for it. It worked, though there was more crying (the baby, me, my husband...it was stressful) than I had expected. In the end, though, my son is a fine sleeper and I feel like we did, indeed, teach him how to sleep. His pattern ended up being two night feedings (sometimes one) until 10 months or so, but he basically slept from 7-7 (went right back to sleep after each feeding).
ReplyDeleteAll that said, you know there are no rights and wrongs. And I'm not even a good model because I have a 4.5 month old baby girl now and I'm not sure what to do about her sleep. She's up every two hours all night and up for good at 6:00.
I think your plan sounds like a good one and I wish you much luck. I may need to follow your lead on this--pick a plan (again) and give it a shot. I'll wait another month or so until we're closer to six months, but then, she's going to have to sleep more than she is now!