So now that I'm actually trying to blog more about stuff other than infertility, I have no filter on the topics I want to blog fact, there are so many that I can't really decide what direction to go today. Here are a few of the things on my mind right now in far more detail than is necessary...
1. When should I move my 2 year old into a toddler bed? He seems close to being ready for this, but I like he's safe when he's in the crib (he has not tried to climb out yet). I read conflicting things about waiting too long vs. not waiting long enough. I talked to another mom in the office, who adamantly told me to leave him in there as long as possible, because they wish they had...I'm leaning towards waiting 6 more months.
2. How can I take Microbiology without encroaching on work or family too much. There is no fully online option, and no Saturday classes available. I would have to give up 2 nights a week, which is fine, but I would need to either have a babysitter pick my son up from daycare or somehow rush home and get back in time for class, because my husband's career is too unpredictable, demanding and just too important for him to leave at 5pm 2 nights a week, every week for 15 weeks in a row. Which leads me to another people actually let their babysitters drive their kids and if so, do they just buy a carseat for the babysitter's car?
3. Do I really want to be a nurse? I know I do...I just worry that all this time, effort, absence from the family is more than I can take, and it seems sooo far off. I think the answer to this is a yes, but how does anyone really know? It's kind of scary to commit to the education part of it without really knowing what it will be like when it's real.
4. I have recently began taking ADD/ADHD medication and I am completely astounded that I never realized I had this issue before. I am still tweaking the dose and don't have everything just right, plus medication is definitely not a cure-all, but I'm still amazed that I missed this all these years.
5. I could not be more in love with organizing. I get very excited just browsing through containers and getting ideas from websites on how to take on the projects, however, I have a great deal of difficulty executing on these. I do tackle projects and I'm pretty good at keeping things nice once I get it done, but I am just not the organization queen that I am in my dreams. I'm not sure if this is a bad thing or if it just makes me normal, but I love thinking and talking about organizing.
6. I know so much about eating right and exercising, yet I don't do a very good job of it. Partly because I am at an ideal weight and don't have any motivation to change. Plus I love carbs and cheese, and I have no time for exercise.
7. A lesson reminder: Never judge until you've walked in someone else's shoes. I never thought I would put cheese on a tortilla and melt it and give it to my son for dinner....3 nights a week. I was that childless person at the grocery store annoyed with the mother who was letting her toddler scream in the checkout line. Note I said "letting". I was a moron. I now know that moms with tired, cranky kids need groceries too and no parent in their right mind is going to leave their full cart to take the kid outside to prove she's not putting up with this behavior.
**Please note: if someone reading this actually does that, not trying to offend...just saying the mom's who don't deserve nothing more than a compassionate smile or maybe an extra hand if it seems appropriate.
I'll be more organized in future posts...just ramping back up and I'm all over the place.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
Never judge is right!! There are so many things that I thought I would never do and now I do them!!