The days following the transfer were uneventful, very, very uneventful. My RE requires 4 days of bedrest (couch/recliner 95% of the time, but allowed to get up to eat, use the bathroom, shower, etc when necessary). Now, I understand where he’s coming from here, but I was a little confused about why it’s the same for a 3 day transfer and a 5 day transfer. The embryo is at a totally different stage by 4 days past a 5 day transfer than it is 4 days past a 3 day transfer, but whatever, he’s the doctor. I was really good, better than I thought I would be. My mom and dad came in from out of town to help out and really enforced the doctor’s orders. I’m not sure TW would have been as accommodating and I probably would have ventured up and around to make myself something to eat or get a new book, etc.
I got relatively good news on Tuesday, 3 of my embryos made it to blast and were cryopreserved. One was A quality, one was A-/B+ quality and one was B quality. Of course, I would have liked to hear that we had 3 A quality frozen embryos, but after our initial news on Friday, I was thrilled anyone made it to Day 5. She did tell me that for my age group, they like to see 50% make it to blast, but 30% (which includes the 2 inside me) is reasonable. I don't think we can assume the 2 inside me are blasts, but she seems to think they were the best quality of all, so fingers crossed...
I really wish I had made it to a 5 day transfer. I was absolutely convinced that was what I wanted, so much so that I was willing to risk not being able to transfer any embryos if none of them made it. It’s my understanding through Dr. Google that the strong ones will get to blast, meaning if they don't get to blast in the lab, they're not going to get there in your uterus. My feeling is, if you don’t wait to have the strong ones implanted, why suffer through the 2WW? I would have been crushed if we'd had to cancel, but if I'm going to suffer for 2 weeks, then get the BFN, how is that better. The 2 they put in may have made it to blast in the lab, but maybe they wouldn’t have. Maybe we even missed the best ones, and they're now in the freezer. I think if I have to do another fresh cycle and my insurance pays again, I’ll push harder for the 5 day transfer. Another thing I learned…I would much rather have had 2 days off for the retrieval and only 1 day for the transfer from the perspective of how my body felt, but I get why the bedrest is there. I just hope any future retrievals are on a Friday or Saturday.
So here we sit 5dp3dt, with nothing to do to pass the time, but blog, work, and have a great 3 day weekend. I wish I could have wine, but these sober days will be worth it in the end. I have been experiencing some major salt cravings. I know it’s either in my head or it’s related to one of the many medications I’ve been taking, but I can’t get enough salty food. I was super thirsty last night while I was in bed too, so I think I’m probably having too much. Right now I could totally go for some soup or something, even coleslaw sounds good (I make salty coleslaw).
The big question is when to test. Do I test the night before the beta? Before that? I don’t know. Part of me really would want to know if I had a chemical pregnancy, which makes me lean towards testing Saturday, Monday and Tuesday or something, but another part of me thinks it’s crazy to torture myself more than I am already, and I should just lay off until at least the day before the beta’s FMU.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
Ah yes, the "what if's" are driving me crazy too. Personally, I prefer a Day 3 transfer - I like to think that no Petri dish is better than a human womb. But who knows? Hope the days go quickly for you.