Babies on board! Or embryos anyway... Our three little frosties all survived the thaw, and were positioned perfectly into my uterus yesterday!
I'm very excited about this time for many reasons.
1. My embryos are blasts this time, not day 3, so I feel we have more reason to believe they have the strength to survive.
2. We put three in instead of two, how can our chances not be better with three.
3. The embryologist almost seemed nervous to put all three in. She kept telling us how great they looked and how strong they were. She was definitely wanting us to think hard about the risk of multiples.
I have a good feeling about this time though. I really do.
So the day started out annoyingly with a trip to the dentist to adjust the bite on a filling from earlier in the week. Once I got through that, we headed over to the cancer center at the hospital to receive my intra lipid infusion. I wasn't really nervous about this, but it took the nurses three IV's to get a vein that would allow saline to be pushed through it. They were able to get into the vein, just not get the vein to cooperate. The first one didn't hurt, but the second one hurt a lot, then I was super nervous about the third one, which was painful, but not terrible.
Once they got everything in, the infusion itself was no big deal. I took my blanket and pillow, reclined in my chair and listened to my Circle and Bloom Transfer session. It was a great one. I loved the parts about sending the warmth from your hand to the uterus.
After the infusion, we went over to the R.E.'s office. I was determined to regulate my bladder, so I wouldn't be as uncomfortable as I was last time. I got my blood drawn and then was given my valium. This time, they gave the valium time to sink in. It was soooo much better than last time. I was feeling very relaxed and I was really enjoying myself by the time they were ready to take me in.
They took us in and we got to see the three embryos under the microscope (one was already hatching, so it looked like four), then we were ready to get started. The speculum, just like last time, was really uncomfortable. I don't know why that it so bad, but the whole thing is really unpleasant.
TW is not into coddling me, so he usually gives me his hand to hold, but he's not overly attentive or anything, but there was this extra nurse in the room (I have no idea why), but she came up and was rubbing my arm and encouraging me and telling me to take slow deep breaths. It was really, really nice. It made me think seriously about hiring a doula should I ever succeed at getting pregnant.
After the transfer, they wheeled me back into the room and had me lay there for supposedly 10 minutes, then I would have a chance to pee, then lay for another 45 minutes or so. Well, they had a few transfers that day and they TOTALLY forgot to let me pee. Finally after about 35 minutes, when I thought I was going to wet the bed, I asked TW to go find someone. He came back eating some candy from the front desk (odd, I didn't send him for candy or to the front desk), and the promise that someone was right behind him.
They did show up and let me go, but I was kind of pissed about them forgetting about me. The biggest annoyance was that I was waiting to pee, so I could come back to the room and listen to the Circle and Bloom transfer session again. I couldn't relax enough to listen before I peed, but after I came back they told me I was pretty much ready to go, so I didn't get to listen to it while I was there. I was sooo irritated.
That was about it, we drove home and I've been chilling on the couch ever since.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
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