Oh how wonderful it feels to state my “moment in time” as a progression in my pregnancy rather than a point in my two week wait. As nervous as I am about the final outcome of this pregnancy, I am enjoying every minute of actually being pregnant, for real. No one can take this away from me, because right now, my body is nurturing one to three tiny little people. I so hope I can continue to enjoy this marvelous feeling for the next 34 weeks.
I don’t have anything that new to report. I still feel a little queasy in the mornings and I’ve started noticing even more of that in the evenings and other times of day, particularly if I’m hungry. The feeling is really better described as an urge to gag than actual nausea. I remember having the stomach flu and feeling so horrible that I would be incredibly relieved after actual vomiting and feeling better for a short time. This is not like that at all. I’m just on the edge of feeling yucky. More like when you’re on an antibiotic and you take it on too empty of a stomach.
I really am not tired yet. I definitely am ready to go to bed at night, but I don’t feel that it is much more pronounced than usual. I can smell things a mile away, but that might be the FIVE estrogen patches and the two shots a day of progesterone I’m taking.
I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that this is real. I almost wish I could have had an earlier ultrasound so I could see the sac(s), but I don’t really want an ultrasound before there is a heartbeat, because I don’t want to wonder if it was too early or if the heartbeat just isn’t going to start. I have read several stories of women who have early ultrasounds and do see a heartbeat at this time. I find that so amazing and so comforting to think that my little nuggets might already have beating hearts.
I just looked on Circle + Bloom’s website and found that they do have a pregnancy program. I’m very tempted to order this, but it appears there are only 3 sessions and it is $24 for the downloadable version. I paid $59 for 18 sessions with the IVF program. I found the transfer and 2WW sessions so comforting and nice with the IVF program that I really do think I would enjoy this, but I also think one session over and over and over again will get tedious and boring. I’m going to think on it a little longer.
I am still anxiously awaiting my ultrasound on 12/13, and I’m hoping this wasn’t too forward of me, but I made an appointment with my OB for 12/29. She books out months in advance, so you have to take what you can get, and I really wanted the appointment to fall in the week between Christmas and New Year’s since I’m off that week. I’m just praying that I’ll be in attendance at that appointment with heartbeats in tow.
About Me

- 30SomethingDINK
- I am a 30-something FORMER DINK (Double Income, No Kids) who welcomed our first child on August 1st, 2011 following many years of infertility. I am married to a wonderful (though somewhat work-a-holic) husband and daddy. This is my journal to help me stay sane through the trials of infertility, pregnancy and motherhood. We have unexplained infertility. After enduring IVF #1 failure, we miraculously became pregnant from FET #1, and we were overjoyed to welcome our little one August 1st of 2011.
yay! i think a later u/s is the way to go. my clinic does an early u/s. i go in on 6w0d and they told me not to expect to see a HB. oh well, i will just be thankful if there's a sac!
ReplyDeleteand congrats on making an official OB appt! that is great!!!
Congrats! Wonderful betas and I hope you keep feeling queasy!